Private Hosting is based on a virtual environment where all of your databases and files are secured through a private network where only authorized users can access it. It is usually operated by cloud or web hosting providers. Private Hosting allows you to host your website databases and files easily and securely in the data center. You can easily make a backup of data and store it in the cloud server.

It’s also known as Baas (Business as a service) where a specific organization owns data, applications, operating systems, virtualization, servers, network, and storage devices but it can be fit on other services such as Iaas (Infrastructure as a service), Paas (Platform as a service) or Saas (Software as a service).
The most popular servers used today are VPS (Virtual Private Servers). If you don’t own it you can get FREE 2H TRIAL VPS Now.
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Table of contents
- Private Hosting Features
- How Does VPS (Virtual Private Server) Work?
- Is Cloud Hosting plays an important role in Data ETL?
1. Private Hosting Features

- It provides performance and reliability due to a dedicated hardware component called a storage area network (SAN).
- A virtual private server can be scalable based on your desire for e.g if you don’t have free ram left in the server to use then you can simply scale up the ram with just a few clicks.
- These servers are very cost-effective because servers are isolated in a virtual environment which saves tons of money. and you can easily rent a server.
- It also has a fast Rollback feature which is enabled by default that protects the host from losing connection to the server due to network misconfiguration.
2. How Does VPS (Virtual Private Server) Work?

VPS is accessible by using cloud resources and managed through multiple servers. It basically operated in a virtualization environment using software such as hypervisor etc. In this hosting, A dedicated server (physical server) is divided into multiple virtual servers where CPU/RAM is shared but a specific amount is allocated. Even though you are technically sharing resources with other users, your resources are guaranteed.
3. Is Cloud Hosting plays an important role in Data ETL?
ETL stands for Extract Transform and Load. Cloud hosting helps in making the work easy for the users. We are living in the information age, and to acquire the information we’ll need a 24/7 working server that will provide the information in real-time. It’s not easy to get the information (of course it’s subjective, it depends on the user’s requirement). The majority of data is extracted from files/databases/websites etc and then a transformation occurs and after that loads into the main server.

To perform the extraction, transformation, and loading. multiple nodes will require. The location where the nodes are hosted is known as cloud hosting. Splitting a physical dedicated server into multiple virtual machines called nodes they are also known as cloud servers. It helps in storing data, making replicas of data, extracting data from multiple sources, transforming data, and then loading data through multiple tools available on a cloud server. After that, it will be used to analyze data or data mining in order to get the desired results or make predictions, etc.